It is my hope that the images shared with you today change how you experience tomorrow, by changing the way you live the continuum of images in your own life.
We will all still see flocks of birds, subway passengers or stains on walls. But I encourage you to find artistic emotion in a few cracks of your daily life, and to embrace a renewed sense of wonder.
"There's a crack in everything, that's how light gets in." Leonard Cohen, Anthem
Let's re-enchant the world together!
(Click on images to access the project gallery & statement)
«I will write peace on your wings and you will fly around the world to carry this message». In May 1955, when Sadako Sasaki writes this sentence in her diary, she’s a little girl and she’s dying from leukemia in a hospital in Hiroshima. Her only hope is to finish her Senbazuru.
In Japanese, ‘Senbazuru’ stands for the art of making one thousand paper cranes in origami on a wire. The legend says that the person who makes one thousand paper cranes is granted one wish by the Gods.
This project aims to create my own photographic Senbazuru and share it with you. It consists of 36 photos that together contain exactly 1000 cranes.
(Click on images to access the project gallery & statement)
“If you look at walls stained with stains, or made of different stones, with the idea of imagining some scene, you will see the analogy of landscapes decorated with mountains, rivers, rocks, trees, wide valleys and hills of all kinds.” Leonardo Da Vinci - 1651.
By carefully choosing the frame from the daily banality of the wall, I'd like to become an alchemist and transmute the dirty, the ugly, into an “Invitation to travel”. No macro photography here, each of these “landscapes” really exists on the walls, in large to very large formats. But the passerby no longer looks at the walls. He became myopic. He runs and forgets the essential.
With M.Y.O.P.E., I want to keep my eyes open for wonder. Watch and share. Extend the dream and re-enchant the world.
(Click on images to access the project gallery & statement)
In the subway, I can hear their underground prayers. I met those souls, I felt their torments. Their hands, like haikus, speak about distress, love, loneliness, determination, fear ou friendship.
In the subway, I met them; they told me thousand stories. I share them with you today.
(Click on images to access the project gallery & statement)
When one has taken the leap of life, of one's life, there is no going back. You have to move forward, up, down, simply live. You have to deal with his contradictory feelings of pleasure and terror.
And you can’t go back.
Phone: +33 6 800 513 80
Instagram: Follow me on Instagram for fresh updates and new images